Thornlie Intensive English Centre (IEC) is located within Thornlie Primary School. The IEC provides a separate learning program for students attending the IEC, however the IEC is an integral part of the school and whole school integration occurs where applicable.
The Intensive English Centre (IEC) provides a specialist intensive English language program for newly arrived students with little or no English language skills. The program’s emphasis is on the development of students’ English language communication skills across the curriculum, to enable students to begin to access mainstream curriculum on entering their local mainstream school.
Students enrolled in the IEC come from a diverse range of linguistic, cultural, ethnic and religious backgrounds.
For further information regarding Thornlie Intensive English Centre you can contact the IEC Office on (08) 9232 3480
Thornlie Intensive English Centre teachers use The English as an Additional Language/Dialect (EAL/D) Progress Map to monitor, assess and report on students within the IEC. The EAL/D Progress Map is a Western Australian planning, monitoring and assessment tool for all students requiring support in developing Standard Australian English (SAE) who come from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds whether arriving from overseas or born in Australia. The EAL/D progress Map is aligned to the Western Australian Curriculum and applies to all learning areas.
Students at Thornlie IEC are reported on each semester (at the end of Term 2 and Term 4) as per the requirements of the Department of Education’s ‘Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Policy (CAR) K –10: Policy and Guidelines’. Parent interviews are held with the student’s classroom teacher to discuss the student’s final report when they are due to transition from the IEC into mainstream schooling. Parents may request an interview with their child’s classroom teacher at any time however an appointment must be made. When necessary, an interpreter will be provided.
Students in the Intensive English Centre (IEC) who are identified as being at educational risk, are supported through a range of practises and services. Teachers work collaboratively with IEC staff to develop appropriate plans and strategies to target individual needs of students. The plans address the academic, social and emotional needs of students (depending on the area of need).
Students’ specific academic, social, emotional and behavioural needs are addressed through:
Phase 1 Classes: The main focus of the Phase 1 teaching and learning program is the development of students’ English oral language skills. Students are also learning to read and write in English at this phase.
The IEC has Phase 1 classes in the following phases of schooling:
Phase 2 Classes: Phase 2 classes continue to develop and extend students’ English oral language skills along with the continued development of reading and writing skills.
The IEC has Phase 2 classes in the following phases of schooling:
There is a preferred ratio of 1 teacher to 16 students, however fluctuations occur throughout the school year due to constant enrolments and transitions to mainstream schooling which may at times result in student numbers being lower or higher than 16 in a class.
The IEC has Ethnic Education Assistants (EEAs) who are multilingual and collectively speak approximately 16 languages as well as English. The EEAs assist the teachers in the teaching and learning program and as required, assist students and parents with interpreting.
In the event the EEAs are unable to speak a required language or are unavailable, the IEC will utilise external interpreting services.
The Intensive English Centre (IEC) is staffed by a Deputy Principal, Curriculum Leader, School Officer, IEC Psychologist, Classroom Teachers and Ethnic Education Assistants. Staff in the IEC work collaboratively as a team to deliver quality English as a Second Language/Dialect specialist teaching and learning programs for students newly arrived to Western Australia and those students entering Year 1 with limited English language skills.
Eligible students:
*Stage 1:
If you have further enquiries regarding eligibility or enrolling a child, please contact Thornlie Intensive English Centre
Thornlie Intensive English Centre (IEC) conducts continuous enrolments throughout the 4 school terms during the school year. Students can be enrolled at the IEC soon after arriving in Australia.
The program is 12 months in duration, however the program can be extended by an additional 12 months for students holding humanitarian visa subclasses.
An enrolment appointment with the IEC Deputy Principal must be made prior to a student commencing at the IEC.
Enrolments can take up to 2 hours an hour and when necessary, interpreters are provided.
The Education Department of Western Australia provides a designated bus service for students attending Intensive English Centre (IEC) programs. Access to the bus service is dependent on the student’s visa category, distance the student lives from the IEC and seat availability.
Thornlie IEC buses provide transport for students living within the Thornlie IEC catchment area. Please contact the IEC Office on (08) 9459 4304 for information regarding the suburbs that fall within this catchment area.
All IEC buses have Bus Aides who supervise students while on the bus. Students are picked up at their home in the morning and brought to Thornlie Primary School. In the afternoon students are picked up from the school and taken home.
Thornlie Intensive English Centre (IEC) conducts 2 Open Days per year; 1 in Term 1 and 1 in Term 3. Open Days are provided so that parents and caregivers can gain a better understanding about the IEC, the school and their child’s learning program.
Open Days provide a fantastic opportunity to find out more about our school’s inclusive welcoming environment, IEC curricular priorities, academic programs and the range of services provided to our English as an Additional/Dialect (EAL/D) students and their families.
The day provides information sessions on, but are not limited to;
Parents are also provided with time to observe their child’s learning program and discuss aspects of the program with their child.
Interpreters are provided for parents on Open Days when required.
Students in Year 6 at Thornlie Intensive English Centre attend a camp each year and the camps are organised and attended by school staff.
Camps are valuable, language-rich learning experiences that provide students with opportunities to develop English language skills across the curriculum. Camps provide students with important life skills such as independence, friendship, cooperation, leadership, teamwork and care of the environment.
Students are involved in a range of speaking, listening, reading and writing activities across the curriculum before, during and after camps. Camps form an integral part of the learning program at Thornlie Intensive English Centre and therefore attendance is strongly encouraged.
Students in the senior classes attend a camp at Woodman Point. This camp is generally held over 2 nights and 3 days with a focus on the local environment, geography and history. All meals are provided for students whilst on camp with all dietary requirements being catered for. Boys and girls sleep in separate accommodation with separate bathroom facilities. Students are supervised by school staff at all times.
Students at Thornlie Intensive English Centre participate in excursions and incursions with their class teacher and support staff. Excursions and incursions provide students with valuable, language-rich learning experiences that are linked to the topics, concepts and skills that they are learning about in their classroom.
Incursions occur in the school environment during the school day and excursions occur outside the school environment during the school day. Parents are always notified in advance of incursions and excursions occurring and parent consent is required for students to attend excursions outside the school environment.
As part of their Physical Education program, students at Thornlie Intensive English Centre (IEC) attend Department of Education Interm Swimming lessons. These lessons are taught by specialist swimming instructors and are supervised by school staff. They provide quality swimming lessons to ensure children develop vital swimming and water safety skills. Parents and carers usually need to pay a fee to cover entry costs into the swimming venue. Parents and carers interested in finding out more should contact Thornlie IEC.
Students in the Intensive English Centre (IEC) participate in a range of whole school activities. The types of activities students are engaged in may be dependent on their age and language ability. Some activities are compulsory for all students while some are optional.
These include, but are not limited to: